Dr. Chad C. Duplantis, DDS, FAGD
Dr. Duplantis received his D.D.S. degree from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, DentalSchool in 1999. He then continued with Post-doctorate training at Baylor College of Dentistry, earning a certificate inAdvanced Education in General Dentistry in 2000. He has also received his Fellowship degree from the Academy ofGeneral Dentistry.
He has been in private practice since 2000 in Fort Worth, Texas. In private practice, he treats all ages with an emphasison restorative and aesthetic dentistry.
Dr. Duplantis has been a member of several Aesthetic and Restorative Continuums over the years he has been inpractice. He is currently a member of a Spear Study Club, as well as other mastermind groups. Dr. Duplantis has alwayshad an interest in “high-tech” dentistry and has been incorporating CAD/CAM and digital technology in his practice since2004. Dr. Duplantis has written and published several articles regarding digital dentistry and workflows for variousdental publications. In addition to technology, Dr. Duplantis has a keen interest in restorative implantology, CBCT,impressioning, adhesion and materials, and he is also published in these regards. He has helped various manufacturerson numerous projects and evaluations regarding different aspects of clinical dentistry and serves as a Key OpinionLeader for several dental corporations. In 2020, he co-founded “Dentists IN the Know” which is a social media group tohelp inform and educate dentists and dental team members. Their current reach is almost 20,000 dental professionalsper month through their various outlets.
Dr. Duplantis resides in Keller, Texas with his wife, Ellen, and his children, Austin and Ava. Outside of dentistry, he enjoysfamily time, traveling and golf..